The Poggini Gallery is among the first Italian companies in the trade of antiques furniture. Born by the passion for the "Things of the Ages" of the lutist, sculptor and art expert Milton Poggini, the Gallery was known and frequented since the early 1950’s. The family business has been faithful to the founder's original idea and has been actively contributing for more than half a century to trends and the diffusion of taste for authentic antique furnishings. Today is the third generation to collect and reproduce the message, alongside the experience handed down, the enthusiasm and the competence of an increasingly qualified staff. All the unique pieces from the 15th century to the early 20th century are strictly selected and guaranteed, intended for antique enthusiasts, art lovers and collectors who have always been able to appreciate them.

Photos Early Seventies - Actress Gina Lollobrigida received in the gallery by the wife of Milton Poggini, Mrs. Raffaella, tireless antiquarian until 2006.


The Poggini Gallery is among the first Italian companies in the trade of antiques furniture. Born by the passion for the "Things of the Ages" of the lutist, sculptor and art expert Milton Poggini, the Gallery was known and frequented since the early 1950’s. The family business has been faithful to the founder's original idea and has been actively contributing for more than half a century to trends and the diffusion of taste for authentic antique furnishings. Today is the third generation to collect and reproduce the message, alongside the experience handed down, the enthusiasm and the competence of an increasingly qualified staff. All the unique pieces from the 15th century to the early 20th century are strictly selected and guaranteed, intended for antique enthusiasts, art lovers and collectors who have always been able to appreciate them.

Photos Early Seventies - Actress Gina Lollobrigida received in the gallery by the wife of Milton Poggini, Mrs. Raffaella, tireless antiquarian until 2006.


Founder and promoter of Anghiari's antiquarian tradition, he became successful and renowned by attending the most prestigious fairs and exhibitions, becoming a refined reference expert on the national scene. Born in 1911, Milton Poggini had a fervent imagination and a strong sense of sensibility for art and culture in every event. In his early adolescence, while cultivating his interest in violin books, fascinated by the encounter with violinist Mario Corti, he was taken from the desire to learn to play the violin and decided to make it by himself. So he made the first violin in 1928, becoming a violin's maker at just 17 years. After winning the First Prize at Littoral in Bologna in 1932, "with a few springs on the shoulders" - as journalists of the time wrote - won the Gold Medal in 1935 in Paris at the International Exposition for the Domestic Arts, arousing a lot of clamor for the first Italian title in that specialty, being its instrument appreciated by the jury for the harmoniousness of form and excellence of acoustics. Quoted by René Vannes in the dictionaire universel des luthiers (1951), Milton Poggini built a few other instruments, remarkable for the sweetness of the voice, as well as for the slenderity of the violin key, and created a kind of natural varnish whose chemical composition remained unknown. His instruments were requested and played by some of the greatest violinists of the time, including Gioconda de Vito and Sàndor Végh, and have been the subject of various publications, up to the recent "The Makers of Central Italy" curated by Florian Lehonard in 2011. From the passion for applied arts, the step for antiquity was short. The inheritance received from the noble Testi family of Anghiari's was the push that in the mid-twentieth century brought him to the world of antiques and the trade of works of art, a sector to which he mainly devoted his life.

Photo Sixties - Actress Stefania Rocca listening to Milton Poggini, who plays in the gallery playing one of his violins (instrument rewarded in 1935 in Paris).


Founder and promoter of Anghiari's antiquarian tradition, he became successful and renowned by attending the most prestigious fairs and exhibitions, becoming a refined reference expert on the national scene. Born in 1911, Milton Poggini had a fervent imagination and a strong sense of sensibility for art and culture in every event. In his early adolescence, while cultivating his interest in violin books, fascinated by the encounter with violinist Mario Corti, he was taken from the desire to learn to play the violin and decided to make it by himself. So he made the first violin in 1928, becoming a violin's maker at just 17 years. After winning the First Prize at Littoral in Bologna in 1932, "with a few springs on the shoulders" - as journalists of the time wrote - won the Gold Medal in 1935 in Paris at the International Exposition for the Domestic Arts, arousing a lot of clamor for the first Italian title in that specialty, being its instrument appreciated by the jury for the harmoniousness of form and excellence of acoustics. Quoted by René Vannes in the dictionaire universel des luthiers (1951), Milton Poggini built a few other instruments, remarkable for the sweetness of the voice, as well as for the slenderity of the violin key, and created a kind of natural varnish whose chemical composition remained unknown. His instruments were requested and played by some of the greatest violinists of the time, including Gioconda de Vito and Sàndor Végh, and have been the subject of various publications, up to the recent "The Makers of Central Italy" curated by Florian Lehonard in 2011. From the passion for applied arts, the step for antiquity was short. The inheritance received from the noble Testi family of Anghiari's was the push that in the mid-twentieth century brought him to the world of antiques and the trade of works of art, a sector to which he mainly devoted his life.

Photo Sixties - Actress Stefania Rocca listening to Milton Poggini, who plays in the gallery playing one of his violins (instrument rewarded in 1935 in Paris).


Our desire is to continue and feed a family tradition with the spirit that has characterized it from the beginning. Our mission is to satisfy the buyer with a precious good and lasting value over time, securely guaranteeing the authenticity of the object, in continual research and in the proper recovery of the historical sense for which it was designed and built. Scrupulously select and restore the most interesting and original furniture, paintings and antique Italian and foreign items, ranging from various types of antique furniture, with the care and attention of those who buy things for themselves before offering them to the customer.

Today the family tradition continues - Architect Milton Riccardo Sperone at the helm of the antique gallery Poggini.


Our desire is to continue and feed a family tradition with the spirit that has characterized it from the beginning. Our mission is to satisfy the buyer with a precious good and lasting value over time, securely guaranteeing the authenticity of the object, in continual research and in the proper recovery of the historical sense for which it was designed and built. Scrupulously select and restore the most interesting and original furniture, paintings and antique Italian and foreign items, ranging from various types of antique furniture, with the care and attention of those who buy things for themselves before offering them to the customer.

Today the family tradition continues - Architect Milton Riccardo Sperone at the helm of the antique gallery Poggini.